In an emergency always telephone us immediately for advice on 01323 640011.Your call will be answered by a trained staff member who can advise you how to deal with your emergency and the best way for us to see your pet as safely and as soon as possible.

In most cases it will be quickest to see a vet by taking your pet directly to one of our surgeries. Please remember that our surgeries are not open 24 hours a day so you should ALWAYS telephone first. Between 8 am and 7 pm weekdays most emergencies are best seen at our St. Anne's Road Surgery where we have the necessary manpower and facilities to help you and your pet. Between 7pm and 8 am you will receive a recorded message directing you to call Vets Now who operate an out-of-hours emergency clinic at our main surgery in St. Anne's Road. They will then advise you how to proceed.

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Veterinary Care at night

For the emergency treatment of your pets at night Vets Now have caring Vets and Vet Nurses available at our St Anne's Road surgery premises. This clinic is independent of local practices and operates only at night. As always if you have any concerns about your pet at night, please telephone Eastbourne 640011 and listen to the recorded message. You will be given an emergency number to phone for advice. If they think your pet needs to be seen they will ask you to take your pet to the clinic. If you are unable to drive they have a list of taxi firms that are happy to transport your pet.

The clinic will charge an emergency surcharge, and the usual fees for consultation and treatment given. Payment is made to the clinic at the time of consultation or collection of your pet. Cash/cheques/credit or debit cards will be accepted. If you are insured then you will still be required to pay for the treatment at the time, and then reclaim the fees from your insurance company in the usual way. If your pet is on medication, please take it with you and show the emergency vet. We will receive a report on what has happened and if your pet is hospitalised the emergency vets will hand over to our team of vets and nurses. Vets Now's direct number is 01323 325168.

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