Alison Hague
RVN and Part time Receptionist
joined the practice in 1986 and work mainly at St Anne’s Road. I am interested in behavioural problems in pets and horses and hold the BVNA Certificate in Companion Animal Behaviour and the COAPE Advanced Certificate in Companion Animal Psychology. I am involved in wildlife rescue through the British Divers Marine Life Rescue having taken their Marine Mammal Medic course.
I originally trained as a graphic designer and since joining St Anne’s have created the practice logo and produce promotional material for the practice. I am married and have a cat and a tortoise. In September 2010, I began a three-year course at Plumpton College working towards the RCVS Diploma in Veterinary Nursing. I finally qualified as a Veterinary Nurse in 2014 and now divide my time between nursing and reception work.
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